Member-only story
“FOMO means — Fear of Missing Out. It’s having that uneasy feeling that you are missing out on the latest.”
FOMO is a real word in the dictionary. It’s was officially added to the English Oxford dictionary in 2013. FOMO means — Fear of Missing Out. It’s having that uneasy feeling that you are missing out on the latest. It’s that urge to be in the know of what is trending (juicy gossip, scandals, and news) when it happens and where it’s happening. It’s wanting to have the latest or to be the latest.
Fomo is what makes people check their phones first thing when they wake up. It makes them check their phone again and again all day so that they don’t feel left out. It makes you browse during meals and before going to bed at the expense of human interaction. FOMO costs career and business people a lot of productive time, browsing instead of working.
Well, Fomo is a terrible thing because it cocoons your life in a loop that robes you of real-life which can only be experienced away from social media. (Note that the only real life is real life. Not social media.) Therefore, you must worry when social media becomes more real than real life to you.
FOMO makes us compare our lives with our peers and few will admit this truth: Fomo is an addiction that has become a major source of depression, anxiety, and unhappiness for most people today.
We check social media constantly wondering if our lives are measuring up to our peers and all the while, our Peers are only posting their best moments, best pictures, best events and that is what we constantly want to measure up to. So, my question to you today is simple: Are you caught up in the vicious Fomo cycle?