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According to Investopedia, an asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a present and future benefit.
Friends, I have come to realize that you are financially free when the income from your assets exceeds your monthly expenses. In other words, having assets that generate your income rather than you working for money is the ultimate goal. So you don’t get rich working for money. No! You can only do so much with your time. However, you can get rich by having assets generate your money for you. Therefore, instead of exchanging time for money, we must invest our time buying and building income producing assets. You see, when you make assets your employees then you are on your way to creating wealth.
So friends, I need you to realize that it does not matter how you are making your money at the moment. It can be a job, self-employment and/or a business but realize that your goal is to get that income and invest it into asset building. Take that salary and invest it in an asset. Take that profit. Invest it in an asset. The earlier you start this, the better and the more assets you have generating profits for you the better.
In conclusion, if you want wealth, it’s not in having a second job. It’s not in trading in more time in more projects. No! It’s in asset building. Have assets! Invest yourself, your time and your money in becoming the boss of assets. Make assets your employees and see how your fortunes will turn around.