Member-only story
Based on your current behavior, where will you be in 5years?
Friends, your actions today are a prophecy of who you will become in future. Whether you like it or not, the sum total of your words, choices and actions will have predictable outcomes or results in the future. Realise that you are today, what you have been investing into yourself for the past 5years. Inevitably, you will become in the future, what you are investing into yourself right now.
Now in my view, that can be good news. It can be good news because you can then begin to program your future by the choices, words and actions you are implementing right now. It can be good news because no matter how bad your circumstances, all it takes is 5years of dedication in order to turn one’s fortunes around.
Now please note however, that it’s not just a mere 5years of taking it easy. No. It’s 5years of everyday, consistent labour. It’s daily, hourly and every minute of pushing towards changing one’s life.
So today, please think of your life right now. How are you plotting your future considering your current behaviour right now? E.g If you are not making money as a lifestyle today, should you really be expecting to be wealthy in 5years time? Also, If you have bad eating habits, should you really be expecting good health in 5years time? If your life is full of negative vices today, don’t you think it’s self deception to think that you will have positive results or outcomes tommorow?
May I urge you friends, to learn to predict your own future today by sowing words, choices and actions that will produce for you, a brighter tommorow.