Member-only story

Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”
George Washington Carver.
An excuse is an excuse even when it’s a good excuse. An excuse is your reason why something that should have happened has not happened or will not happen. I call this tendency of having good or bad reasons why you could not get something done as excusitis.
Success is a preserve of people that are resolved to do what they need to do no matter the obstacle. Did you know that the worst excuses are those that are very genuine? If you have good reasons why you are failing to get something done, rest assured, you will be a failure in that thing.
Success only comes when you push through genuine things that block you from achieving what you need to achieve. That’s exactly why not so many people are Successful in life. They have genuine reasons why they CANNOT!
So do what you have to do especially when you have a good reason (excuse) why it can’t be done. Don’t take no for an answer! Don’t give up if things become hard! Push through until you breakthrough! That’s the only way to really succeed in life.
Despite failures, pressures and obstacles, you can become all that your potential speaks of! Refuse to fail no matter what! Refuse to suffer from excusitis‼