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“If its not actionable intelligence, then its just noise”
A lot of people are intelligent but very few people have something to show for their intelligence. So yes you are intelligent but let’s do a reality check. How has your intelligence bettered your life? How much do you earn as a direct result of your intelligence? Has the quality of your life improved because of your intelligence?
The full definition of intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. It’s not just how knowledgeable someone is. It matters how practical and applicable their intelligence is. So why is the intelligence of most people not actionable and applicable?
1. Analysis paralysis — Overthinking things: Sometimes when you over analyze things, it leads to paralysis in terms of action. Intelligent people sometimes analyze too much. As a result, they end up failing to take risks and taking risks as you may know is a key ingredient to success.
2. Intellectual pride: When you feel that you are more intelligent than others, you tend to belittle other people and that attitude eventually begins to blind you from the great lessons that you can learn from others. Always remember that you are never too intelligent to learn from others.