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Integrity by definition is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. But the other definition is the state of being whole and undivided.(Having integrity with yourself.) So if you want happiness, personal success and well being, then having integrity with yourself is must. But how do you develop integrity with yourself? Below are 7 things that need to stop in order to build integrity with yourself:
1. Stop Lying to Yourself — If you promise yourself one thing and then do another, then you are lying to yourself.
2. Stop Abusing yourself — Abuse is things allow yourself to see. It’s where you allow yourself to go. It’s what you allow yourself to eat or drink? It’s what you smoke. It’s how do you keep your body sexually. Friends, you can’t treat yourself like trash and still call be a treasure.
3. Stop putting yourself in pathway of danger. Some of us know the end of that relationship is tears yet we go in it anyway. They are using you, yet you carry on with them? You know that nothing good will come out of something yet you are in it! Friends, stop putting yourself in harms way.
4. Stop the self-sabotage — You must not actively or passively take steps to prevent yourself from reaching your own goals. Don’t be your own worst and best enemy.