Member-only story
It’s Not Conditions Around You That Matter the Most. It’s Those Conditions You Create in Your Mind That Matter.
Friends, your most ultimate goal in personal development is to cause your external conditions to yield to your most sublime internal conditions. You want to make sure that every undesirable external condition is swallowed up by the reality of what you perceive about your best self in your mind.
“As a man thinketh so is he.”
Therefore, friends, it does not matter how bad your external condition in life are. I assure you of this. If you can perfect your internal conditions, ultimately, your external realities will yield to what you are in your mind.
So yes! Your background may have been full of struggles. Yes! Your experiences may have dealt a harsh blow on you and yes you may have gone through loss and grief with all manner of heartache and disappointments but all of that does not matter as much as the condition of your mental state. Why? Because ultimately, if you are successful in your mind, eventually you will be successful in reality. If you are wealthy in your mind, then soon it will happen in reality. If the character of your mental state is strength and resilience, then you will also be strong in reality as well. That is a fact of life.