Member-only story

Generally, people have an awkward relationship with very skilled, talented and gifted people. Whether in Companies, businesses or institutions, skilled, talented and gifted people are under-valued in terms of their worth. Its like the more skilled, talented or gifted you are, the more people want to either just use your skill, gift and talent for free or negotiate to bring down your price.
Here is the truth friends, No one will place value on your skill, talent and gift if you do not place value on it yourself. If you don’t create a value system around your skill, gift and talent, you end up prostituting your skill, talent or gift for small money. So learn to work with people that are willing to pay for what you are worth. Don’t force yourself on those that can’t afford you.
Your skill, gift and talent costs what it costs! The time and education it takes to perfect value is expensive. So you must never allow people to negotiate your worth as a professional, an artists, IT expert, Technician, Hair dresser e.t.c. If someone is not ready to pay what it costs, end of story. DO NOT UNDER-VALUE your own services because you want some quick money.
Also note that its not enough to just be talented. Be business minded aswell. i.e NEVER be embarrassed or shy to ask for your monies worth. Charge! You are not an NGO. The same…