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“It’s dangerous to keep people with transactional loyalty and love in your inner circle.” Pastor Walu
Transactional loyalty and love is all about “I love you or am loyal to you because you meet my needs.” The opposite of transactional love and loyalty is unconditional love and loyalty. My advice:
Firstly, take a close look at all your relatives, friends, workmates, schoolmates and other colleagues. Find those that demonstrate unconditional love and loyalty towards you. Those are the people you must keep in your inner circle. They are dependable, a safety net and your true family. Don’t neglect them. They will be there when you go up and when you come down — Invest in them heavily.
Secondly, find the transactional love and loyalty group: With this crowd, you make a mistake to expose yourself to them. You will cry! Instead give them what they expect — With this crowd, you are transacting and they love you because you deliver. When you stop delivering, they throw you away and they move to another person. They like you for your talent, your money, your title, your house, car and all the things they can benefit from you.
Agony is being in a marriage or love relationship that is characterized by transactional love and loyalty. Pause and think!