Member-only story
A story is told of a small car. The driver in the small car was doing everything correct on the road. He followed the guidelines and all the traffic rules, keeping to his lane. Now right in front of Him was a Big Truck. The big truck was in the wrong lane and following the small car head on. Clearly they were soon going to have a head on Collision.
The question is what does the person in the small car do? Does He insist on staying in His lane because He is correct and the big truck is wrong? Or does He temporarily come out of His lane to accommodate the big truck and allow it to pass? Okay if the small car stays in its lane, who is likely to survive the collision?
Friends here is the wisdom from this analogy: Sometimes, after you have done your part or said your truth, you have to let some people win the argument. Let them do what they perceive to be right. Yes you can give them your view point. Tell them your truth but in my experience, trying to convince ignorance in an argument is a fruitless endeavor. people want to believe what they want to believe sometimes. They want to stick to their wrong and ignorant view point.
In these matters, all you can do friends, is state your truth and if people insist on sticking to their wrong, avoid a collision. Avoid confrontations. Move out of your lane and let their ignorance pass. Let their wrong action pass. Let it pass and then nicely get back into your lane. You hoot, if the truck does not move back to its lane, you must make your move.